Covid-19 has interrupted not only our worship practices, but also our educational programing. We have all tried to adapt as best we can, experimenting with new things as we seek to keep our lives and our congregation centered and aligned with our mission.
After Covid hit this spring, in order to continue our Adult Forum class, we began experimenting with Zoom technology. We have had very good success with Zoom. It allows us to see each other on the screens of our computers, our I-pads or our smartphones, and to talk amongst ourselves in a way that is not exactly as it was before, but is really quite a good way to communicate. Even if you do not have a computer or a smartphone, you can participate in a Zoom class by use of a regular telephone line.
We have begun our Bible study on the Acts of the Apostles. The class will generally meet weekly at 10:30 on Sunday mornings, via Zoom, throughout the fall. A full schedule and syllabus will be available shortly.
If you are interested in participating in our Adult Forum class this fall, please let us know by sending an email to David Moore at , or by calling David at 608-751-5776, or contact the church office at 608-752-3159.
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