9:00 am Worship (Social distancing and masks required)
10:30 am Adult Forum via Zoom
6:30 pm Worship (Social distancing and masks required)
12:00 pm Bible Study (Conference Room or Zoom)
Meals on Wheels – Monday through Friday
6:30 pm Congregational Council Meeting (Zoom)
7:00 pm Al-Anon Meeting (Friendship Hall)
7:00 pm Scout Troop #7419 (Room 114)
1:30 pm Discovering the Bible (Conference Room only)
6:30 pm Discovering the Bible (Zoom only)
1:30 pm Worship (Social distancing and masks required)
6:30 pm Al-Anon Meeting (Friendship Hall)
7:00 pm Venture Crew #2419 (Room 114)
9:00 am Worship (Social distancing and masks required)
10:30 am Adult Forum via Zoom
6:30 pm Worship (Social distancing and masks required)
Additional opportunities for us to Worship:
Our congregation website at: and our Facebook page: Saint John Lutheran Church for up-to-date information and video of Worship services. Worship Service on JATV Channel 994 at 9:00 am on Sunday mornings.
We are Praying for Members and Friends of the Congregation: Pastor Bond wants to know if you or a loved one is hospitalized, but hospitals cannot be relied upon to let him know. Please call, or have a relative call, the church office at (608) 752-3159 if you or a loved one are hospitalized.