9:00 am Worship Service (Sanctuary)
10:15 am First Sunday Feedback (Narthex)
10:15 am Sunday School (Friendship Hall)
10:15 am Lent & Easter Worship Ministry Group (Conference Room)


9:00 am Staff Meeting (Pastor’s Office)
10:30 am Chair Yoga (Friendship Hall)
12:00 pm Bible Study (Conference Room)


7:00 pm Al-Anon (Library)


9:00 am Area Preacher’s Text Study (Pastor’s Office)
5:30 pm Chair Yoga (Friendship Hall)
6:30 pm Confirmation Class (Pastor’s Office)
6:30 pm Al-Anon District Meeting (Library)


1:30 pm Worship Service (Sanctuary)
6:30 pm New Hope Choir Rehearsal (Choir Loft)
6:30 pm Al-Anon Meeting (Conference Room)


9:00 am Worship Service (Sanctuary)
10:15 am Sunday School (Friendship Hall)
10:15 am Adult Forum (Library, off Friendship Hall)
10:15 am Thanks Breakfast by Youth Gathering (Friendship Hall)

Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8 am – noon and 1 pm – 5 pm

We are Praying for Members and Friends of the Congregation:
Pastor Bond wants to know if you or a loved one is hospitalized, but hospitals cannot be relied upon to let him know. Please call, or have a relative call, the church office at (608) 752-3159 if you or a loved one are hospitalized.

The "Yellow" Pages


Worship October 11th, 2020

Free Covid - 19 Testing

Adult Bible Forum

Discovering the Bible

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Readings - October 11th, 2020

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